Version 7.13.1 of Super Socializer is out with the following key features.
Now you can configure Spotify, Kakao, Github and Dribbble for social login at Super Socializer > Social Login options page in the admin area.

Spotify is a digital music service that gives you access to millions of songs having a user base of 248 million monthly active users.
Dribbble is a social networking platform for digital designers and creatives having a user base of 3.5 million.
Github is a very popular service that provides hosting for software development and version control using Git having a user base of over 50 million software developers.
Kakao (KakaoTalk) is one of the most popular mobile messaging apps in South Korea with over 52 million active users worldwide as of June 2020.
Apart from this there are minor bugfixes.
When clicked the Clear Bitly cache and Clear share count cache buttons in the Miscellaneous section at Super Socializer > Social Sharing options page were showing infinite loading. These buttons were accomplishing their work but without showing any notification.
Updating the plugin was causing changes in the CSS files of the plugin even when Logo color of the social share icons was not customized from the Theme Selection section at Super Socializer > Social Sharing options page.